Can You Help?
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Millie, Who Lives in a Small Town
     "A historical fiction book of the Caddie Woodlawn/Little House/Rebecca Caudill variety.  A girl name Camille, who goes by Millie, is an only child and I believe her mother is dead, so it's just her and her father.  They live in a small town, I want to say in New York, and each chapter is about different things that happen to her.  She goes ice skating on a pond, and there's a fire in the town.  I think the author's last name starts with a C."   Tell Aunt Book   


DiggDigg the Big Yellow Digger
     A book "about a 'big, yellow digger called DiggDigg.'  The cover may have been yellow, and it MAY have been called 'The Adventures of Digdig,' but I'm very very unsure.  [It] was minimally illustrated.  I think there was only a small black and white illustration on the top half of every chapter (though it may have been more often) with what I remember to be around 10-12 point font.  I may be wrong here because I was always looking at the cover and very rarely inside it (it was always read to me).  I was probably around five or six when I read it, so it would have been around 13-14 years ago?  Maybe earlier.  I remember the DiggDigg book to be around an A5 sized book, say only an inch or so thick, with a (possibly mustard-y) yellow cover."  Tell Aunt Book 


Short Story About a Mud Doll Who Teaches How to Make Fire
     "It is a very, very old book.  It is a collection of short stories, one of them being about a mud doll (who teaches a tribal boy how to make fire with sticks), another one being about a child who collects fir cones, and the third one I remember being about a Russian stacking doll.  There were more stories, too.  The cover was white, with a green foliage type border.  I think it also had a picture of a young child on it with fir cones.  The title was in large font.  It may be from the 1950's/60's, but all I remember was that the pages were yellowed and it didn't look like it was from the 1970's or later.  It was probably a UK publication, and it was a thick book, say around three inches thick.  I may have my proportions wrong, as I was very young, but it was wider than A4, but shorter than A4 length-wise - it was quite a square book.  It had around 12 point font, it was quite easy to read, and there was the occasional black and white illustration that I remember."  Tell Aunt Book  


Son Looking for Missing Explorer in Africa
     "The book was about a guy traveling through Africa in search of his missing dad, who was an explorer and was taken by a tribe years before.  He has to bribe his way through Congo, gets stung by a scorpion (and trips out) and eventually finds his father's body in a shrine, where the locals thought he was a god.  It was quite a thin book but was a great read!  I read it in the late 90's, after seeing it in a cheapy book shop like The Works.  It wasn't second hand, so I presume it was written sometime in the '80's or '90's."  Can you help?  Tell Aunt Book


Researchers in a Submarine
     "I vaguely remember that it is about a group of researchers in a sub called something along the lines of 'Tortuga' or something with a turtle.  Along the way they are attacked by a squid and meet these dolphins.  It's kind of a child's book.  It's big and blue and on the inside cover are two dolphins that make a circle.  I can remember some pictures from it.  They are in the lab on computers; one is a girl on a couch looking through the portal window into the ocean.  At the end of the book it's a sunset with squids and dolphins and a bunch of sea creatures.  The book is not 20,000 Leagues.  I had it in the '90's.  Tell Aunt Book  


More Researchers in a Submarine
     "I'm looking for a book I once read back in fourth grade in the late '90's. The story is about a group of scientists exploring the world's oceans with a new type of submarine. As they travel, they stumble upon strange dolphin-like creatures with crests on their heads; their flippers have webbed hands. They are able to communicate like humans as well as echolocate and share their world with the scientists to different regions of the oceans, which are all detailed in painting-like pictures that are similar to the art in the Dinotopia books. I remembered one part where the group was visiting an underground cave filled with sick or injured sea animals that the dolphin-creatures were taking care of, and a female scientist came next to a giant squid, who seemed curious about her. She gently pets him while the squid turns a bright pink and wraps a tentacle around her wrist. One of the "doctor" dolphin-creatures was observing her and says. "He likes that, please continue."  I also remembered that the cover was green with the group in a lagoon with one of the men riding on the backs of two of the dolphin-creatures by their dorsal fins." Tell Aunt Book


Frightened Old Lady With Lots of Cats
     "I'm nearly 60 now and have been looking for a book from my childhood for many years now.  I thought the name of the book was THE GHOST OF GARINA STREET.  In fact, I've thought that for years.  But now I see on your site and on Loganberry's site that a book with that title doesn't fit the plot description I remember.  I am looking for a book I read from the public library in probably the late '50's or very early '60's.  It's about a boy (maybe he's a newspaper carrier) who passes a deserted spooky old house every day.  For whatever reason, one day he decides to explore and meets an elderly poor frightened woman who cars for lots and lots of cats in the house.  He gets help for her and the cats.  I would love to read the book again, and am confounded that it must not be THE GHOST OF GARINA STREET after all.  But how in the world did I make that up?!?"   Tell Aunt Book  


Picture Alphabet Book
     "I've uploaded pages from an alphabet picture book that my siblings and I loved growing up.  The book is missing half its pages and the cover, and there are no identifiable markings or text for the title, author, publisher, or year.  My sister, who is the oldest, is 37 (born in 1970), and I think this was her book originally.  So it could've been published in the early '70's or mid to late '60's.  Did anyone have this book?  Any info on it, please?  Thanks a bunch.  I'm desperate here.
     Aunt Book thought this might perhaps be one of Usborne's First Thousand Words series, but judging from the page numbers the mystery book is far too long.  Do you recognize it?  Tell Aunt Book  


St. Petersburg Mystery
     "I read this book in the 1970's, and no matter how hard I cudgel my brain I can't really remember anything more than that it was a mystery and that an important part of it was that there is a St. Petersburg in Florida and one in Russia.  I think that the main characters were two teenaged boys, but that could be wrong.  I don't think it was a Hardy Boys book."  Tell Aunt Book   


Boy on a Journey Meets the North Wind
     "I am trying to find the name of a children's book published in the 1940's or earlier.  It had a winter theme and featured the north wind, with great illustrations.  It was not just about the North Wind, but was the story of a little boy on a journey who meets various characters, including the North Wind, along the way.  It was a medium-sized picture book and I believe the illustrations were in color."  Tell Aunt Book   


Depressed Girl, Mother Shops On TV
     "I'm looking for a book about a teenage girl who is dealing with depression and her mother's depression. I remember that her mother used to buy loads of things from the TV, and the girl had a little brother. One scene was her mom watching TV, or maybe she was on a exercise machine. The mother kills herself and the young lady has to deal with it plus her own problems. She has a best friend and it goes to some scenes in her school. I could have sworn it had Please God, Help Me as the title, but I'm not sure; it was so long ago - around 11 or 12 years ago."  Can you help?  Tell Aunt Book


Quetzal and Rings of Power
"This book is about seven or ten rings of power, and the last quetzal is in the last ring of power.  A girl and boy sneak up there and I think that there are singers or something to control the powers, and a dark power is coming.  The girl and boy help save the quetzal and the other, but I can't remember any more.  I know this isn't much to go on.  I checked it out from the library anywhere from 3-8 years ago [i.e. 1999-2004].  I just read the Echorium trilogy by Katherine Roberts, and it reminded me so much of the other book, I was wishing I could read it again.  It was probably a young adult book."  Tell Aunt Book 


A Magic Kettle
"The book was set in a land above the clouds (I think).  A boy finds a magic kettle that gives water to the old man (Boniface?) who is dying of thirst, and waters a garden, and it seems never to run dry.  I grew up in the sixties and it was one of my favorite books back then when I was a child.  It was a picture book, and was not from any particular culture that I can recall.  The boy in the story had blond, curly hair."  Tell Aunt Book


Golden Book of Short Rhymes
"I am trying to relocate a favorite book I used to read as a child, so I can share it with my children.  Here is what I remember:
-It was a "Golden Book."
-It was a collection of short rhymes.
-One rhyme was about a troll with shoes that were too tight.
-There was a rhyme about deserts that involved a camel.
-I believe there was a rhyme about a dragon and his birthday.
-The last rhyme in the book was about the little boy being a knight, but he was dressed up in pots and pans (for some reason macaroni comes to mind in this rhyme).
-I think that maybe the title or front illustration had something to do with daydreaming."  Tell Aunt Book


Christmas Stories Collection
     "Hello, I'm looking for a story book that my parents used to read to me every night when I was little [It was read to me from around 1995 onwards if that is of any help!]  The book was quite large and had 12 to 15 different stories included each by different authors.  Some of these stories included - 'The Bear In The Bathroom,' 'The Little Fir Tree,' 'The Magic Christmas Present,' and 'The Little Match Girl.'
     "I remember a couple of other stories of which I don't know the titles. One was about a baby being born on Christmas Day, and the little girl in the family was jealous, but in the end she realised that having a baby brother was 'the best Christmas present ever.' Another story I remember was about a girl who was taken into a shop with her grandma to pick out a toy, and the grandma really like the bear on the top shelf although the girl didn't want the bear at all. She called it 'Annabell' [I think] and treated it very badly and dragged it along the ground. I remember she threw it out of her window one night and it landed in the pond but in the end she ended up loving it.
     "The book was bought in England."  Recognize it?  Tell Aunt Bookk


Fidget the Kangaroo Rat?
     "Looking for a children's book I used to read back in 1997-1999. I don't remember the name or the author but the name Fidget keeps popping up when I think about it. It is about a small furry creature with a long tail (kangaroo rat?) that could jump really high, and it was going around exploring and meeting new animals. One part I remember:  the creature was on the head of a giraffe, and it mentioned something about the giraffe's long tongue.  It had a large drawing of the giraffe licking its nose with Fidget sitting close to it. I think the cover was brown with a painting of the main character, Fidget(?), taking up most of the center. I could be wrong about the name but I am convinced that is what it was called..."  Recognize this book?  Tell Aunt Book


Ladybird's Birthday Party in the Woods
     "I'm looking for the name of a book i read as a child.  I can't remember the name, but I remember it was about a group of animals in the woods.  Each chapter was an individual story.  There was a birthday party for the ladybird, as well as boy whose name was Alex, I think, who entered the world.  I'm not too sure about the name.  The description probably sounds a little like Winnie the Pooh but I guarantee that it is not.  The characters were slightly more like the Wind in the Willows characters.  The book was a hard cover, A4 in size."  Tell Aunt Book


Girl with Putty Face
     "I'm trying to find a book I read about 30 years ago when I was in elementary school.  It was about a girl who woke up one morning and found that when she pulled on her face it stretched out like Silly Putty or something and didn't go back to shape.  She tried to stretch and pull and push it back but couldn't make it look like her own face. Her mother didn't recognize her and thought she was a stranger, and yelled at her and started to call the police. The girl ran out of the house and eventually found other people who had had the same thing happen to them and found out it was something happening all over the planet.  I don't remember much else about the plot. I think it was for ages maybe 8-12."  Can you help?  Tell Aunt Book


Cowboy, Casino With Flashing Sign
     "A Scholastic children's book from the mid-'60's.  It had a medium-blue paperback cover with a picture of a boy in cowboy gear in front of a mountain with a casino which had a flashing yellow sign.
     "The plot:  A boy saves an economically-dying mountain town by bringing a casino to town."  Sound familiar?  Tell Aunt Book  


Brother Kings Who Hate Each Other
     "My favorite book when I was a kid was about these two brothers who hated each other.  Each was a king and they would hurl things at each other from one kingdom to the next. The fighting keeps escalating. They find these two elephant like creatures to turn into war beasts and in the end of the books the two beasts throw off the armor and embrace each other in the middle off the battlefield."  Tell Aunt Book   


University Town, House With a Turret, Football Game
     "A book about some siblings (two sisters and a brother?) who live in a university town in a big Victorian house with a turret.  It was probably written in the 1970's.  There's a part about all the people coming into town for a football game."  (Aunt Book has suggested that this might be Family Grandstand, by Carol Ryrie Brink, but her Dear Niece says that it is not that book).  Do you know what the book is?  Tell Aunt Book


Hierarchy Shown by Colored Bracelets and Threads In Hair
     "I believe this was a middle school/teen book from the 90's (I read it in the 90's; could have been written earlier). The protagonist is a young male (high school, I believe) who is part of a "gang" or family that shows its hierarchy by color bracelets and color threads in their hair. He lives with his mom and older brother, a car mechanic. They do not participate in school, but one day he decides to fill out a standardized test and the teachers discover the mute boy is smart, he just can't write well. They move him to higher level classes and get him a tutor (the main girl in the story). They start a romance forbidden by both families. I think his color was yellow but I could be wrong."  Is this familiar?  Tell Aunt Book


Boy’s Misadventures With Small Town’s Criminals
Cover illustration: A red-white striped circus tent whose front flap is opened revealing a young male child lifting a barbell overheard. Onlooking is an astonished circus strongman.  Plot: Series of the boy's misadventures [and victories] with the small town's criminals and hostile schoolmates.  Aunt Book suspects that this is an Encyclopedia Brown book by Donald J. Sobol, specifically Encyclopedia Brown Solves Them All, which has a picture of a strongman on the cover, but has received no reply from the Dear Child who submitted the query.  Are you that child?  Is this the book?  Tell Aunt Book


Person Building Wall, Real and Emotional
     "I am looking for a book that was read to me while I was in a psych hospital. I believe it was a children's book, but am not totally sure. It was about a person who was building a wall. It was a real wall but it was also an emotional wall to keep people out. This person was so proud of the wall he had built, but when he was done, he was upset because he was alone. That is about all I can remember of it. It was a great book about emotional walls people put up and I would really love to read it again.
     "It was read to me about 2001-2002. I believe it was a short book. Also the book had black and white illustrations, kind of like the drawings in The Giving Tree."  Recognize it?  Tell Aunt Book  


Little Girl With Different Nicknames
     "I’m looking for a children's book I saw in 2007 at Barnes & Noble, about a baby or a preschool aged girl who was given different nicknames by all the different people in her life.  I seem to recall the real name of the girl as Ella, Bella, or Stella - but I could be wrong.  In the end the little girl asserts herself and wants to be called her real name.  It's a picture book, but I don't think it was a board book."  It has been suggested that this book is Many Names for Eileen, by Peggy Sullivan, though it is an older book and it does not seem likely that it would be in a Barnes & Noble store as recently as 2007.  Alas, the e-mail address for the Dear Niece who submitted this query is no longer valid, so Aunt Book cannot confirm that this is the book (or is not).  Did you submit the query?  Please  Tell Aunt Book


Angry Carpet in Little Girl's Messy Room
     "It's about a little girl whose room is very messy and she refuses to clean it up.  Then she tries to pick something up off her carpet to use it and it's stuck to the floor because her carpet is mad at her for being so messy.  It then proceeds to teach her a lesson in tidiness.  At the very end her room is clean and she wakes up and leaves her nightgown on the floor.  Her carpet rustles under her feet and so she picks it up and tucks it under her pillow.
     "It's driving me crazy that I can't remember the title, and I would like to give it as a gag gift to my less-than-tidy sister. I don't remember when exactly I read this book but I am pretty sure it was more than nine years ago (we moved and I seem to remember reading it at my old house) but it would have been less than twelve years ago because I read it on my own (1997-1999)."  Tell Aunt Book   


Hot Dog Bun Canoes
     "This book is about a boy who, I think, won't eat his food. Parts of the book include him racing an Indian in hot dog bun canoes, and later eating the hot dog bun and then drinking the lake of milk."  Tell Aunt Book   


Mr. Onslaught and His Pet Pig
    "The book I am looking for was a story about a barrel maker - I remember his name as Mr. Onslaught - and his pet pig.  I believe the story took place in the log cabin village of New Salem around the time of Abraham Lincoln."  Can you identify this book?  Tell Aunt Book


Girl Watched By Possible Parents
"This book is about a girl who is being watched by two people who think they might be her parents.  The cover has a girl in front of a car."
Does this sound familiar?  Tell Aunt Book


Thurman and Thurl
"It is a novel with two twin male characters named Thurman and Thurl.  It is probably from the early 1900's."  Tell Aunt Book


Bedridden Women Sew a Quilt
I'm trying to find a children's book I read probably about 20 years ago.  I found it in a library in Christchurch, New Zealand, although I think it was probably American in origin.
    "It was about 2 elderly bedridden women who top and tailed in the same bed.  They sewed a quilt or patchwork blanket.  There were illustrations, and if I recall correctly I think at least one of the illustrations showed a cross-section image of the two- or three-storied house and the women sewing in the bed on one of the upper floors.
     "I can't remember too much more about it unfortunately as it was so long ago now that I saw it.  I believe there was a purpose to the sewing of the quilt."  Tell Aunt Book

Another request regarding what appears to be the same book:

    "I read this book in the early  mid-1980's.  There were two old ladies (possibly sisters) who shared a bed and sat at opposite ends. They were sewing a quilt together."  Tell Aunt Book

Charlotte Who Thinks She Was Adopted
"The main character was a girl named Charlotte (I'm about 97% sure of her name) who felt that she didn't fit in with her family.  She thought she might have been adopted because she didn't look like the rest of her family.  There was something about genetics in her high school biology class - she was worried about her green eyes when her parents both had blue eyes (or something like that!).  She had at least two other siblings.  It turned out she looked like one of her grandparents and she wasn't adopted.  There may have been something about a taffeta dress, too.  I think the date of publishing would be between 1940 and 1965."  Tell Aunt Book


An Alliterative Alphabet
"I am looking for a book that is an ABC book and has really vivid pictures of animals.  It uses alliteration like it is going out of style.  I remember something about extravagant word choices and really great pictures.  Also.. maybe the I is about Iguanas?"  Tell Aunt Book


Christian Book About Overcoming Bad Habits
    "I remember reading a Christian book about five or ten years ago.  It was designed like a child's book.  It was an over-sized board book, with large. full-color, glossy photos.  I believe that the cover had an eagle on it, and may have been orange or yellow.
    "The content of the book was on overcoming bad habits, overcoming temptations, etc.  It cited many Scripture quotes, and I distinctly remember a story about an eagle getting baited into a net by a trapper's fish."  Tell Aunt Book


Turquoise Book of Short Stories
    "I am looking for a children's story book with various short stories in it.  It had a hard cover which was turquoise in colour and slightly smaller than A4.  I think the first story had pictures with the story written underneath each picture.
    "This is the first story that I remember best:   It was about a boy named Johnny.  The gist of the story is that his mother would call him for dinner by shouting 'Johnny, Johnny Come At Once' and the story would go 'but no Johnny came.'  When Johnny eventually went in he had bread and butter and left over cold rice pudding.  His mum called him the next day because she had a box of chocolates for him but he didn't go when called so she gave them to the little girl next door.
    "The second story I remember:   There was another story about a boy and girl who had a pet reindeer.  One Christmas Eve they heard a noise outside and they found it was Father Christmas and one of his reindeer was sick.  So that all the children could get their toys, Father Christmas used their pet reindeer and save Christmas."  Tell Aunt Book


Witch Steals Town's Laughs
    "Looking for old children's book about a witch that steals the town's laughs.  I also remember there was a little girl named Rowena."  Sound familiar?  Tell Aunt Book


Kiss On Nose Turns Black Panther Into Prince
    "One of my favorite childhood books had an Asian princess that was kidnapped.  When she befriended a black panther and kissed his nose, he turned into a prince and saved her.  I checked this out many times from the library between 1955 and 1960."  Tell Aunt Book


Bunny King Arthur
    "I am looking for a book that is based on King Arthur book but as a rabbit as the main character."  Tell Aunt Book


Kidnapped Girl Rolls Out of Car
    "I read it four years ago so it isn't new.  It's about a girl.  She is kidnapped and she gets away by rolling out of a car or something.  The kidnapper kept her in a house in the woods.  After she escapes, he tries to run her over with a car when he finds her again.  I think she is a high school student.  I'm pretty sure the guy was crazy and thought the girl looked like his sister or girlfriend who may or may not have died.  It's just a short novel, I believe.  Maybe a little bigger than a Goosebumps book.  I read the book in Canada and would classify it as a mystery book. There were no illustrations.  I'm pretty sure the title was one word like Kidnapped or something along those lines."  Tell Aunt Book


An Orange Mouse Named Mason
"As a child I read a book about a mouse named Mason.  He was an orange mouse."  Can you help?  Tell Aunt Book


Teasingly Creepy Nursery Rhymes
    "I'm really desperate to find this nursery book that I've been looking for since my departure from primary school.   It is green, the front
and back.  The illustrations are quite crude; in fact, all the nursery rhymes are quite creepy and teasing in a way.  The first time I read this book was around 2004-5, so it's not actually that long ago.
    I was so young back then that I didn't write down the name of the book or its author.  There are some very famous creepy rhymes in the book, including 'Sticks and stones can break my bones.'"  Tell Aunt Book


Kitten With Pink Ears
"I have been trying to remember the title of a book from my childhood about a precious little white kitten with pink ears or something similar.  Does this description ring a bell?  It is not a long story."  Tell Aunt Book


Twin Boy and Girl Help Parents
    "I'm trying to help someone find the title of a book he owned in the earlier 1970's; a Little Golden Book or similar type of storybook.  The plot involves a set of twins, a boy and a girl.  The boy goes outside to help Dad with his chores, and the girl goes in the house to help Mom with her activities.  They have a birthday party and both of them receive bicycles as birthday gifts.  I have seen a Rand-McNally Elf Book titled The Happy Twins.   I don't know the plot, however. Is that the right one, or do you know of another storybook this could be?"   Tell Aunt Book


Little Jewish Girl and Family Visit Coney Island
    "It was about a little Jewish girl and her family; I believe she had a little sister, too.  I think they were going to Coney Island, or a parade. The cover was white with, like, a crowd.   Grandmother came to visit.  The little girl had pigtails."  Tell Aunt Book


Girl and Teddy Bear In Bed By Open Window
    "I think it was in the late '60's or early- to mid-'70's.  My sister remembers only one picture in the book; maybe the last page.  The picture was of a little girl in bed under the covers with a teddy bear.  The window was open and the curtains were blowing in the breeze you could see the moon and stars in night sky.  She thinks it was a Little Golden Book.  We have checked out the book Good Night  but that wasn't it."
Tell Aunt Book


Short Stories, Including Girl With Magic Skirt
    "I also had a book of short stories.  I have no idea of title or author but one story was about a girl named Roseline.  When she stretched out her skirt she had some kind of magic powers."   Tell Aunt Book


Girl Goes On Adventures In Brightly Painted Carriage
    "The book that I am looking for I read in the '90's, and in English.  I am not certain how old it is.  If I am remembering correctly there were several adventures of a young girl contained in it.
    "The first adventure was about the girl traveling from town to town in a brightly painted carriage that she had painted herself with birds and flowers.  She had fixed up the carriage herself too by fixing an axle, etc.  She would often sing in the town square and also as she traveled, something about 'a gypsy going a wandering.'  She had a little dog as a companion that would run betwixt the wheels of her carriage as she rode. I believe she befriended a dragon who was lonely and would terrify a village with his roars.
    "The second adventure involved three princesses who had been kidnapped by a dragon.  For some reason or another the knights who loved these princesses were unwilling or unable to help rescue them and so the young girl devised a manner in which to save them all.  I don't remember many of the particulars of this adventure.
    "The third adventure involved the young girl being seduced by a woodland changeling prince of sorts who saw her as she was traveling through the forest.  He tried to tempt her into marrying him but she consistently refused.  She also refused to eat or drink anything that he tried to give her because she was aware that if she did she would be unable to leave the forest.  I forget how she managed to escape him.
    "It seems that in all the situations her wit some how turned things to her advantage in making the antagonist promise something if she could do something that seemed to be rather impossible from their vantage point."   Tell Aunt Book


Useless Tricks Featuring Dave Coulier
    "I'm looking for the name of a book I read in the early to mid '90's.  It's about totally useless stuff or tricks.  It features or was co-written or had input from Dave Coulier, the guy who played Joey on Full House.  It's a kids' book.  The book tells you how to balance a spoon on your nose and do other stupid stuff.  I live in the USA and the book was in English."   Tell Aunt Book


Baking a Cake, With Clock On Book
    "I'm looking for a children's book about baking a cake.  It was from when my cousin and I were little and she is going to be 20.  It has a clock on the top where you can change the times as you progress through the story."   Tell Aunt Book


Rowena and a Witch
    "I can't remember much, but the main character was a little girl named Rowena.  There was an old house with a witch.  There was something about a cat and maybe a fox, and also about Rowena's running away from the witch and hiding in a thorn bush."   Tell Aunt Book


Bear Learns Different Tasks
    "This book's main character was a bear that I think learned different tasks throughout the book.  He was a little bear.  If my memory is correct, he learned to tie his shoes and put on a rain coat, and he baked cookies.  It was brought for my son as a gift from his aunt.  My son is 25 now but I still would like to know the name of it.  I don't think it was Paddington Bear because I looked online and the pictures are just pencil drawings, and this book had nice pictures with bright colors.  I think the bear was asleep at the end.  She brought it in South Carolina in 1984." 
Tell Aunt Book


Child Witch Lives in Tent
    "The book is about a child around eleven who is a witch.  The title of the book is her name.  I think her name starts with an M.  She lives with her two parents in a tent outside of a small town.  Her parents are nice and help the people in town repair things. They choose her name by dancing around a fire."  Can you help?   Tell Aunt Book


Children Walk Several Hundred Miles Home
    "My 6th grade teacher - in 1966 - read this book to us out loud.  It involved the very exciting adventure of siblings who are somehow separated from their parents while on vacation in another state (California?).  The children decide to walk home - several hundred miles (north?) - and the story follows their journey as they fend for themselves, and try to avoid capture by authorities who they believe will try to prevent them from reuniting with their parents.  I've always thought the title was something like 'The Long Journey' but no search under that name ever brings me close to this particular story."   Tell Aunt Book


Selection of Stories from Around the World
    "I’m trying to find a book from which my little sister and I used to have stories read to us when we were small.  The book would have been published in the early 1980’s and it contained a selection of stories from around the world. They were all folk tales or fables, I think; they included 'The Little Red Hen,' 'The Emperor and the Nightingale,' 'The Elephant and the Bad Baby,' 'The Patchwork Quilt,' 'The Emperor's New Clothes,' 'The Tale of Brer Rabbit,' 'Nail Soup,' 'Hercules and the Minotaur,' 'The Elves and the Shoemaker,' 'Pix Pax Pox,' and 'Hansel and Gretel.'  Those are the stories whose names I can remember, but there were others; one about an angry giant who lived in a garden and used to scare children, who eventually became their friend and died under a blossom tree I think?  Also one about a hippo that lived in a pond at the bottom of a garden, an alien called Wotzit who drank milkshakes and another story about a little piglet who wanted to be different so he grew a trunk, only to find how difficult it was to forage for food.
    "It had a green hard cover with a collage of illustrations from the book.  The book was beautifully illustrated in both colour and black and white.  I think the contents page gave the origin of the story as well as its title.
    "I’m after this book as I am now expecting my first child and would love to be able to read them the same stories that held me and my sister captive when we were younger."  Can you help?   Tell Aunt Book


Sidney's In a Dreadful State
    "I'm after the title of a children's book.  I don't know the author or title, but the book starts off:  'Sidney's in a dreadful state, unless he hurries, he'll be late, he's off to visit cousin Joe, there's so much to remember though.'"   Tell Aunt Book


New Boy in Town With Strange Neighbors
    "I'm looking for a children's book about a new boy in town with strange neighbors like werewolves, ghosts, and vampires.
    "When I was younger my mom bought me this book about a new boy who moved into town.  His neighbors lived in this big spooky house, maybe a castle, but when he went in the neighbors all gave him a gift.  The werewolf gave him a fish, the vampire gave him a bat, and the ghost gave him a dog, I believe.  I got when I was seven, so that was 1994 or 1995.  It was a flip book were you lift the images to reveal another."
Tell Aunt Book


Girl Whose Family Owns Cranberry Bogs
    "Back in the late 1950’s or early 1960’s, I read a book about a little girl whose family owned cranberry bogs in Wisconsin.  This little girl was quite adventurous.  I believe that there was only one book written, perhaps two.  The reading level was comparable to the early 'Little House' and 'Betsy-Tacy' books.  I wonder sometimes if I dreamed up this book since I have been unable to locate it."  Was she dreaming?  If not, please Tell Aunt Book


Dinosaur Book With Full-Color Pictures
    "I'm looking for a dinosaur book from the late '70's, hardcover, large format, full colour cover to cover (that should narrow it down).  The interior paintings were exceptionally rendered and facing pages were composed of a large vista on one side, with animal descriptions and small pictures on the opposite page.  I particularly remember a Mosasaur-type sea creature eating a very large fish, and the elasmosaur and pterosaur sea paintings were brilliant.  Also, birds of that era were well represented."   Tell Aunt Book


Music Book With Macabre Illustrations
    "A music book, about novel sized but landscape aspect.  The songs I can't remember, but all the lyrics and notes were transcribed
within, and it had these strange macabre illustrations of a devil-like character with horns and goat legs wooing a lady, with various scenes of haunting stunted trees, in black and white."   Tell Aunt Book


Onion-Like Pod in Forest
    "The book was a children's novel; softcover, probably about 100 pages.  All I remember is that on the cover (blue-tinted, I think) there was a drawing of a large, strange-looking, onion-like pod in the middle of a forest."   Tell Aunt Book


Monster Munches Aunt's Bones
    "When I was little (between 10 and 15 years ago), my sister had a book from our library (in Washington State, USA) that was a collection of short stories, I believe.  In it was a short children's horror story.  The story started with a small black and white sketch-looking picture of a monster with horns and a toothy grin (looking similar to one of the creatures in Where the Wild Things Are) sitting on top of a house at night.
     "The plot of the story went as follows:  There were two parents who had two boys.  The parents were going out for the evening and had their aunt coming over to house sit.  The parents left and the monster killed the aunt and put on her dress and the boys believed it was the aunt.  The boys had to go to bed and heard crunching in the other room.  The monster said (as the aunt) that it was eating chestnuts, but it was really eating the aunt's bones.
    "I don't remember the rest very well, but I think at one point one boy got up and stepped in blood, and at the end of the story I think the monster was pushed into the well.
     "Ring any bells???"   Tell Aunt Book


Girl Bathes in the Moon
    "There is a children's book I have been desperately searching for.  The main plot is a young girl who is locked in a tower because of her beauty.  The captor is infuriated time and time again when the girl's beauty does not fade.  She bathes in the moon every night somehow (magically).  She has white hair and big blue eyes, the cover is dark and is her in the tower with the moonlight shining down on her.  I read this in the United States at an elementary school in Mississippi.  It would have been published before 1989 since that is the year I read it."
Tell Aunt Book


Parents Give All Their Children the Same Name
    "What's the name of a kids' book about two parents who treat their children the same and name them all Ralph?
    "I'm pretty sure it's a picture book.  I heard it in 3rd grade in the United States, nearly 18 years ago.  The parents decide that they should treat all their children equally and so since the first one was named Ralph, they named the second and third ones Ralph too.  Then the kids grow up and decide that they would be perfectly happy making their own choices and being named something different, so they choose their own names. One of them decides to stay as Ralph.
    "I think they were all named Ralph.  I might have that detail wrong. They may all have been named a different name, but it was definitely the same name for all the children until the end of the book."   Tell Aunt Book


Man Creates New Drug
    "It's about this guy who creates a new drug, and it details a story about him and his kid.  They use the word 'Twank' in it to mean someone who has changed his physical appearance.  The whole last chapter involves the Statue of Liberty.  I think the title of the book might have been a date, like 2041 or 2105 or something like that.  They would use the phrase 'let's get twisted' to mean they were taking drugs."  Recognize this?
Tell Aunt Book


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